Land SurveyBoundariesExchangeIndian ReserveLand
The Pictou Landing First Nation sought more land for their reserve in 1875, and the Provincial Government of Nova Scotia purchased a separate lot that was near, but not connected to the reserve, from James Sproull. As few roads existed in the area at the time, it was easier for residents of the reserve to cut across the property separating the two plots of land, which was also owned by Sproull. Sproull, in an effort to reduce 'trespassing,' proposed that an exchange of land be arranged between himself and Pictou Landing so that the two reserves would be connected. This letter discusses the next stages of the process to exchange the land, which involved ensuring that Sproull held proper title to the land in question.
1875-09-20 1875-09-20
L. Vankoughnet (Deputy of the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs) (correspondent)
Personal correspondence
RG10, Reel C-11121, Vol 1957, file 4671.
"Memo Re the proposal to obtain right of way through Mr. Sproull's property for the Indians of Pictou by giving him part of their reserve in exchange therefore. I suppose the first step necessary is to ascertain as to Mr. Sproull's title in the property claimed by him. The agent of the Honorable the Minister of Justice at Halifax, Hon. Mr. Smith, made enquiry into Mr. [Jones?] title to the property deeded by him to govrrnment for the Indians. He would doubtless need the [] Re this exchange if asked by the minister of justice to do so. I think Mr. Sproull should pay at leasy one half of the expenses attending such enquiery as would of any subsequent proceedings in the matter. [Text on next page- unclear if it is same author but writing is similar]" Please ack. Mr. McD's letter of 9th Inst + request him to state whether there is no side road by which the Inds. can have [] with their woodland without traversing Mr. Sproull's property, and whether Mr. Sproull is [] [] to reach them for [] [] [] land is obliged to or does [] the Indian Reserve. [to/in fact?] - say [] in order tp comprehend the facts of the position [ ] it is desirable we should show on a rough sketch the relative position of the lands insisted it one another. [] to the possible [] [] [] [].... (illegible)