Land SurveyBoundariesExchangeIndian ReserveLand
The Pictou Landing First Nation sought more land for their reserve in 1875, and the Provincial Government of Nova Scotia purchased a separate lot that was near, but not connected to the reserve, from James Sproull. As few roads existed in the area at the time, it was easier for residents of the reserve to cut across the property separating the two plots of land, which was also owned by Sproull. Sproull, in an effort to reduce 'trespassing,' proposed that an exchange of land be arranged between himself and Pictou Landing so that the two reserves would be connected. This letter discusses the responsibility of Sproull to allow right of way across his land if no proper roads connect the two reserves, and requests that a sketch of the vicinity be drafted. Also discusses proposed roadway in the region, but it is not clear if the road is currently built or would be in the future.
1875-09-28 1875-09-28
L. Vankoughnet (Deputy of the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs) (correspondent) Rev. MacDonald (Indian Agent)
Sketch Map; Personal Correspondence
RG10, Reel C-11121, Vol 1957, file 4671.
"Dear Sir, I have the honor to acknowledge the rect of your letter of the 9th inst. Reporting in compliance with instructions contained in my letter of the 18th April last on the proposition of Mr. Thomas Sproull of Pictou County to exchange a portion of his lot for land reserved for the Indians. You will please state whether there is a side road by which the Indians can have communication with their woodland without crossing Mr. Sproull's property and whether Mr. Sproull, in order to reach the highway from his land is obliged to or does cross over the Indian Reserve. With a view to a [public] understanding perfectly the limits in question of the [], it is desirable that you should forward a rough sketch shewing the relative positions to one another and to the public highway of the lands in question as well as any side roads from these lands to such highway. I am ++ [Next Page note]: "Ack. I say with ref. to that part of his letter that he states that Mr. [] has promised a road and is ready to give it at any time if required. is that the sketch included by Mr. MacD- does not show how such road would be so as to [] the highway and thus afford the Indians access to their woodland. Request Mr. MacD to supply this omission and inform him that it is presumed that the road would be given by Mr. [Jess - settler on north of sketch] free of charge. LVK Dec 11 75"