JD Mcleod, the new Indian Agent for Pictou Landing (Fishers Grant) - stated that the Indians at Pictou Landing required more land for agriculture, firewood, and livestock. Also discussion of an Indian man who worked as a janitor at the school and was not paid. Two Indians ( Jasper Prosper and Sally Paul) were building houses and they needed assistance.
1901-06-02 1901-06-02
J.D. Mcleod (Indian Agent) (correspondent)
Personal correspondence
RG10, Vol. 7761, File 27058 http://heritage.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.lac_reel_c12050/1744?r=0&s=5
"The indians under my charge need more land. They need land that can be cultivated. They need land that will supply them with wood, as it is pretty well used up now. With more land they might keep a few cows among them. At present there is not one. A tract of land could be acquired I think near their present property at Boat Harbour."