In connection to purchasing more timber land for reserve at Pictou Landing, an accountant from DIA explains that he thinks that there should be no more expenditures on land for the Indians of Nova Scotia. He stated that the land was very cultivatable and they should be able to make a living for themselves. He argued that the recent land purchases have not lessened conflict with settlers.
1905-01-31 1905-01-31
() Frank Pedley (Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs)
Personal correspondence
RG10, Vol. 7761, File 27058 http://heritage.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.lac_reel_c12050/1787?r=0&s=5
"They should be looked upon as already civilized ordinary citizens and if they commit trespass they should be prosecuted... By making that point the conspicuous and important one I think we are looking through the wrong end of the glass. Our policy is to provide relief to obly those who are in needy circumstances, and it would be better for us to buy a little wood for old widows and dependent orphans than to buy wooded land that may be plundered by able-bodied Indians who should earn enough to supply them with wood."