Report of an inspeciton of the Pictou County Agency. W.S. Arneil reported that most of the wages earned came from the manufacture of pick and axe handles for local mines, as well as from the production of baskets. Report gave details about procurement of wood for products, as well as information on some of the current contracts.
1941-07-12 1941-07-12
W.S. Arneil (Inspector of Indian Reserves) (correspondent) Dr. McGill (Department of Indian Affairs)
Inspection Report
RG10, Reel C-9547, Vol. 7918, File 41058-2. http://heritage.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.lac_reel_c9574/2049?r=0&s=3
An Inspection of the Pictou County Agency was made this date and Rev. E. Chiasson, Indian Agent, Interviewed. The main source of revenue derived by the Indians is from the sale of axe and pick handles and fancy baskets. Pick handles are used extensively by the nearby coal mines and are all supplied by this reserve. One Indian, Tom Francis, contracted with the Acadia Coal Company to supply them over a period of one year with 650 dozen pick handles at $1.25 a dozen and had no difficulty completing the contract. The maple for the handles is procured from various sources and in some instances is hauled ten miles. Baskets are also chiefly made from maple as ash is not available.