1877- Report No. 19- Indian District No. 4
Annual report on happenings in Pictou County Indian District No. 4.
1877-10-05 1877-10-05
Rev. R. MacDonald (Indian Agent) (Author)
No. 19. NOVA SCOTIA, INDIAN DISTRICT No. 4, PICTOU, 5th October, 1877 The Honorable The Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. SIR, - My Report this year must be necessarily meagre. Apart from the information conveyed in the accompanying Tabular Statement, there is nothing of special interest to which to call the attention of your Department. In industrial habits I flatter myself that I discern a very marked and gratifying improvement, and in their comforts a corresponding one, among the Indians of my district. Farming to which of all other pursuits they heretofore showed the strongest aversion - they seem of late years to take to somewhat more kindly. They also give more attention than formerly to fishing and are rewarded with more encouraging results, the value of fish taken as set down in the Tabular Statement is merely approximate; the exact value, owing to the manner in which sales are effected, it would be difficult to ascertain. The moral status of my Indians - occasional cases of intemperance excepted - is decidedly good. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, R. MACDONALD. Indian Agent.