1886- Report from Roderick McDonald, Indian Agent Pictou County
SchoolEducationStandard of Living
Annual Letter of report from Indian Agent Roderick McDonald. Vague letter stated that "greater comfort" was perceptible for those living at the reserve in Pictou Landing, but no details were given.
1886-09-28 1886-09-28
Roderick McDonald (Indian Agent) (Author)
Annual Report
PICTOU, N.S., 28th September, 1886 The Right Honorable The Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. SIR, - In submitting my annual report for the year ended 30th June, 1886, I beg to state that I have very little information to communicate to the Department beyond that contained in the tabular statement herewith enclosed. It is noticeable that there has been comparatively little sickness among the Indians of this district during the last two years. Indications of greater comfort among them are perceptible. I regret to have to report that owing to the difficulty of obtaining a teacher the school on the reserve has been vacant for the last year. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, RODERICK McDONALD, Indian Agent, District No.
Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 31st December 1886 (Ottawa: Dominion of Canada, 1887), 39.