1888- Excerpt from Superintendent General's Annual Report
Excerpt from Annual Report discussing a purchase of land (30 acres) for the reserve at Fishers Grant. Discussed that the land was needed for agriculture and fire wood.
1889-01-01 1889-01-01
Edward Dewdney (Superintendent General of Indian Affairs) (Author) Frederick Arthur Stanley (Governor General) (Recipient)
Annual Report
The Indians of the County of Pictou number 178 souls, being a decrease of 14 since the year 1886. The Department recently purchased 30 acres of land adjoining their small reserve at Fisher's Grant opposite the town of Pictou. They had not sufficient land on the reserve for agricultural purposes, nor was there wood for fuel, fencing or building purposes on the reserve. The Indians consequently often trespassed on their neighbors' properties. For these reasons it was deemed advisable to secure for them the parcel of land referred to.
Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 31st December 1888 (Ottawa: Dominion of Canada, 1889), xxvii.