1893- Report from Indian Agent Rev. Roderick McDonald
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Annual report from Indian Agent McDonald. Commented on various aspects of Mi'kmaq life in Pictou County, including references to wage labour, religion, agriculture, and domestic life and sanitation.
1893-11-18 1893-11-18
Rev. Roderick McDonald (Indian Agent) (Author) T. Mayne Daly (Superintendent General Indian Affairs) (Recipient)
Annual Report
EUREKA, PICTOU Co., N.S., 18th November, 1893. The Honourable The Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. SIR, - I herewith submit my tabular statement on Indian affairs in my agency for the past year ended 30th June. I am pleased to state that no contagious disease appeared among the Indians of this reserve; they seem to realize the necessity of cleanliness in their houses, and this, no doubt, will aid materially in warding off contagious diseases, and add to the general health of the community. For the past Several years they have associated in the way of work and otherwise with the white people, and have, as a consequence, although slowly, copied some of their improvements. I regret to have to state that there is no school on this reserve. The land is divided up into four small settlements, therefore rendering it impossible to establish a school. A few children attend the public schools. The avocations of the Indians are various: some take up as a trade, coopering, basket-making, carpenter work, making axe and pick handles for the mines; others are at the Iron Works of Ferrona. They are fairly industrious, but change often from one work to another. They are indifferent about farming. They prefer other employment which gives immediate results. They gathered this year as usual to the Indian Island to celebrate the Festival of St. Ann. It is the only time of the year when they are all assembled. They take a lively interest in their new church, which is not yet finished inside. I have the honour to be, sir, Your obedient servant, RODERICK McDONALD, Agent District No 8.
Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 31st December 1893 (Ottawa: Dominion of Canada, 1894), 240.