1895- Annual Report- Rev. Roderick McDonald, Pictou County Indian Agent
Annual letter from Pictou Landing Indian Agent Roderick McDonald. Reported that the church on Indian Island had been destroyed in a storm, a temporary chapel erected to take its place. Also mentioned potato farming and lack of manure for general farming.
1895-10-01 1895-10-01
Rev. Roderick McDonald (Indian Agent) (Author)
Annual Report
DISTRICT No. 8, EUREKA, N.S., 1st October, 1895. The Honourable The Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. SIR, - I have the honour to present my annual report and tabular statement for the year ended 30th June, 1895. The condition of things in this agency has not changed very much since my last report. The loss, by storm last fall, of the church on Indian Island has been a serious blow to the poor Indians of this district. They have erected a temporary chapel near the old site which will have to do until such time as with outside assistance they are able to rebuild. There is at present very little sickness here among the Indians. The lack of sufficient clothing during the cold winter is largely the cause of sickness and brings on consumption, to which they are predisposed. The potato crop looks very well, and will be of great benefit to those who have planted. It is difficult to induce them to take an interest in farming unless they get assistance from the government. There are, however, a few families who realize the benefit derived from it. The great drawback in farming among them is the want of manure. They have no money to invest in chemical fertilizers, which are expensive. I have the honour to be, sir, Your obedient servant, RODERICK McDONALD, Agent.
Dominion of Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the year ended 30th June 1895 (Ottawa: Government of Canada, 1896), 207.