MICMACS OF PICTOU COUNTY, EUREKA, October 5, 1899. The Honourable The Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. SIR, - I have the honour to submit my annual report of Indian affairs in this county for the year ended June 30, 1899. Reserves. - I may briefly state, in the beginning, that there are two reserves in Pictou County - one at Fisher's Grant, with an area of one hundred and sixty-four acres; the other consisting of two islands in Merigonish Harbour, Indian Island and Moolie's Island, or Island A and Island B, so-called, having a combined area of about sixty-five acres. No more than one-third of the land on these islands is under cultivation. The soil is very fertile. The Indians seem to regard Indian Island as a resort where they meet several times a year for various purposes. There they have their church and burial ground. Occupation. - The Indians reside principally on the Fisher's Grant Reserve, and are awakening to the benefits of growing crops, especially a potato crop, for which the land there seems to be particularly adapted. On this reserve they are near public works, such as loading and unloading vessels, at which they earn good wages. They are still very conservative of their language and customs, notwithstanding their daily associations with their more civilized neighbours. Education. - The old school-house on the Fisher's Grant Reserve had been thoroughly renovated last fall, and school opened on October 18, under the efficient management of Miss Nelly E. Connoly. Although the attendance was fairly good during the term, the teacher had to contend with several disadvantages. The children, at the commencement of the term, scarcely understood a word of English, and explanations from the teacher were, therefore, largely lost upon them. With perseverance she overcame these difficulties, and I am pleased to state that Mr. McLellan, the inspector of schools for the county, having examined school, paid a high compliment to the efficiency of the teacher in the progress made by the children. I have, & c., RODERICK McDONALD, Indian Agent.