1863- Series of Letters pertaining to land survey for Mi'kmaq of Pictou County
A series of letters discussing the survey of land in Pictou County for the Mi'kmaq. The letters show that while the government had plans to survey lands for the Mi'kmaq in this region, they never did so, and the issue was left in limbo. These letters highlight the need for Mi'kmaq land and there seems to be a sense of urgency in pushing forward with surveys.
1863-06-10 1863-06-10
W.H. Keating (Correspondent) A.J. Archibald (Correspondent)
“Truro 10 June 1863 W.H. Keating, Esq. My Dear Sir, Mr. R.P. Grant writes me that no commissioner has even been sent to Mr. J.D.B. Fraser appointing a commissioner to purchase the Indian lands at Pictou which by the report of a committee of the Assembly were directed to be bought out of the proceeds of sales of Indian Lands. [Pg.2] The matter was talked over in Council and I was under the impression the appointment had been made but cannot be sure. Please look into it and acquaint Mr. Grant with the results. If the matter was not decided on of course, that ends it, till there is somebody else to [pg.3] Advise. Yours Truly, A.J. Archibald [This writing appears on bottom of letter and perhaps is a response] The appointment was made but up to this date the Report has not secured any lands. What instructions are to be given to are to be given or is the purchase [] what locality – [] Report No. 37 Dear Sir, In consequence of a note received from the Attorney General, I write to inform you that the late Governor appointed Mr. J.B.B. Fraser to be the Commissioner for purchasing Indian lands at Pictou – but with a direction not of [gazette] the appointment – no commission has therefore [pg. 5] Opened, and it would be necessary that it should be accompanied by more definite instructions as to the extent and value of the purchase which if agreed upon have not been intimated to me. I presume therefore that the question will remain for the decision of the present Council. Yours respectfully, W.H. Keating 18 June 1863"
Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Indian Commissioner Series, Vol. 431, File 137.