1921- Letter from J.D. McLean to Chief William Paul and Chief Matthew Francis
J.D. McLean, Secretary of Indian Affairs, responded to the Petition from Chief Matthew Francis and Chief William Paul by stating that all Mi'kmaq in Nova Scotia were required by Law to purchase licences for hunting and to follow proper rules on season.
1921-10-26 1921-10-26
J.D. McLean (Secretary Indian Affairs) (Author) Chief William Paul (Recipient) Chief Matthew Francis (Recipient)
Ottawa, 26th October, 1921 To Mr. William Paul Chief, Shubenacadie Indians Shubenacadie, Hants Co. N.S. Sir,- I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 10th instant signed by yourself and a number of other Indians asking that all Indian hunters and trappers be exempted from the obligation of paying fees for hunting purposes. In reply I regret to have to inform you that Indians are subject to the Game Laws of the Province, and this Department has no authority to exempt you from the payment of fees required under the Provincial Game Laws. Your Obedient Servant, J.D. McLean Asst. Deputy and Secretary
J.D. McLean, Secretary of Indian Affairs, to William Paul, Chief of Shubenacadie, May 30th 1921, LAC, RG10, Reel C-8101, Vol. 6743, File 420-7.