1922- Letter from Winston Churchill to Governor General of Canada, RE Petition. by Mi'kmaq Chiefs
Letter from the Secretary of State of the Colonies, Winston Churchill, reporting that the Petition sent from Chief Matthew Francis and Chief William Paul to the King was forwarded "by royal command" to the Governor General of Canada, Lord Byng. A note on the letter also states that the Petition was forwarded to the Department of Indian Affairs.
1922-01-28 1922-01-28
Winston Churchill (Secretary of State for the Colonies) (Author) Lord Byng (Governor General of Canada) (Recipient)
Downing St, 28 January, 1922 My Lord, I have the honour to transmit to your Excellency, to be laid before your ministers, a copy of a petition addressed to His Majesty the King by the Micmac Indians, and to request that the writers may be informed that their petition has by His Majesty’s Command been referred to the Government of Canada. The copy of the laws sent with the Petition was a pamphlet entitled Game Laws, Nova Scotia, 1921 (Abstract). I have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Lordship’s most obedient, humble, Servant, (Signed) Winston Churchill To Governor General His Excellency General The Right Honorable Lord Byng of Vimy, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., M.V.O., &c., &c., &c. Referred to the Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs
Winston Churchill, Secretary of State for the Colonies, to Lord Byng, Governor General of Canada, January 2 1922, LAC, RG10, Reel C-8101, Vol. 6743, File 420-7.