1912- Report on School at Indian Cove
Annual Report on Residential and Day schools. Excerpt from Indian Cove School, Pictou County.
1912-00-00 1912-00-00
INDIAN COVE, PICTOU COUNTY. Number of Children in School: 37; Number of Pupils Enrolled: 33; Average Attendance: 20; Mr. J.D. MacLeod, the agent, reports on the school in this agency as follows: - This school has, during the past year, been in charge of Miss Gertrude McGirr, who holds a grade B scholarship for the province. The number of pupils enrolled was thirty-three. The average attendance each month ranged from fifteen to twenty. During the winter months the attendance is better. The Indians move about during the winter months of the year, and engage in out-of-door work. At these times the children don't attend school so well. The intelligence of the children seems to be up to the average. The Micmac language is the sole medium of conversation at home. The children when they go to school know no other tongue and are at a great disadvantage and progress is necessarily retarded. They stop going to school also at an early age. Notwithstanding these disadvantages the school has made satisfactory progress.
Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended March 31 1912 (Ottawa: C.H. Parmelee, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1912), 303.