1916- Report on School at Indian Cove, Pictou County
Annual Report pertaining to the Day School at Indian Cove, Fisher's Grant.
1916-00-00 1916-00-00
Annual Report
PICTOU COUNTY. Number of pupils of school age, 46; number of pupils enrolled, 26; average attendance, 18. Rev. J.D. McLeod, the Indian agent, reports on the educational work in this agency as follows: - Indian Cove Day School. This school is on the Fisher's Grant reserve. It is a modernly constructed building, large; well ventilated and comfortable. For some years the school has been in charge of Miss Gertrude McGirr, who holds a grade "B" provincial scholarship. Owing to the migratory habits of the Indian families, it is difficult to secure regular attendance. Those children who attend regularly are progressing. satisfactorily. General Remarks. The careful education of the children by a conscientious teacher has a very good effect on the reserve life.
Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended March 31 1916 (Ottawa: J. De L. Tache, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1916), 127.