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1885- Financial Return for Medical Services Provided to Mi'kmaq of Pictou County
1885- Financial Return for Medical Services Provided to Mi'kmaq of Pictou County
Financial Record showing reimbursement for medical services provided to Mi'kmaq of Pictou County., J. McMillan…Medical officer…$42.00…Pictou…District No. 8 for Indians of Pictou and Vicinity (Annual Salary for Medical Services provided to Indians), Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 31st December 1885 (Ottawa: Dominion of Canada, 1886), part 2, page 9.
1885- Financial Return- Food and Seed Grain for Pictou County Mi'kmaq
1885- Financial Return- Food and Seed Grain for Pictou County Mi'kmaq
Financial Return reimbursing Indian Agent McDonald for expenditures in food and seed grain for District 8, Pictou County., “Expended by Agents in the Purchas of Supplies of Food and Seed Grain, in the following proportions…Rev. R. McDonald…District No. 8…$192.34 (Food etc.)…$103.00 (Seed Grain)" (119)., Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 31st December 1885 (Ottawa: Dominion of Canada, 1886), Part 2, 119.
1885- Report of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs
1885- Report of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs
Reference to Fishers Grant School and Mi'kmaq of Pictou County in a general letter discussing Indian Affairs in Canada, "The condition of the Indians of the County of Pictou is reported to be unchanged. They derive it subsistence principally from fishing and coopering. Very little interest is manifested by them in farming. The school on the reserve at Fisher's Grant has been closed for some months. The teacher having resigned, it is not easy to obtain the services of another competent person for the position" (xxvii)., Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 31st December 1884 (Ottawa: Dominion of Canada, 1886), xxvii.
Letter explains (and contains plans) for the sale of land from Mr. Robert Fraser to the Pictou Landing Indians for a "fair price" of $350 for 30 acres.
1886- Annual Report of the Superintendent General Indian Affairs
1886- Annual Report of the Superintendent General Indian Affairs
Mention of Fishers Grant reserve in the Annual report by the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs. Discussed agricultural growth and also difficulty with obtaining a teacher for the School., "In the County of Pictou it is gratifying to learn that there are indications of greater comfort existing among the Indians on the reserve at Fisher's Grant, but as the agent merely states the fact in his report and omits to state in what respects the same are observable, it is beyond my power to illustrate the statement. It is to be greatly deplored that the school at this reserve has remained closed for over a year, owing to an alleged difficulty in securing the services of a teacher. The population of the Indians of this county is 192. They have 25 acres under cultivation, from which they raised 920 bushels of grain, and cut 5 tons of hay. The value of the other industries pursued by them is stated to have been $800" (xxxiv).
1886- Financial Return for District. No. 8 (Micmacs of Pictou County)
1886- Financial Return for District. No. 8 (Micmacs of Pictou County)
Financial return for food relief and seed grain for Pictou County Micmac., Expended by Agents in ther purchase of Supplies of food and seed grain, in the following amounts: Rev. R. McDonald…192.36 (food etc.)…103.00(seed grain)., Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 31st December 1886 (Ottawa: Dominion of Canada, 1887), part 2, 124.
1886- Population Census for MicMacs of Pictou County
1886- Population Census for MicMacs of Pictou County
General census return for Indians in the Province of Nova Scotia., "Micmacs of Pictou County...192", Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 31st December 1886 (Ottawa: Dominion of Canada, 1887), 227.
1886- Report from Roderick McDonald, Indian Agent Pictou County
1886- Report from Roderick McDonald, Indian Agent Pictou County
Annual Letter of report from Indian Agent Roderick McDonald. Vague letter stated that "greater comfort" was perceptible for those living at the reserve in Pictou Landing, but no details were given., PICTOU, N.S., 28th September, 1886 The Right Honorable The Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. SIR, - In submitting my annual report for the year ended 30th June, 1886, I beg to state that I have very little information to communicate to the Department beyond that contained in the tabular statement herewith enclosed. It is noticeable that there has been comparatively little sickness among the Indians of this district during the last two years. Indications of greater comfort among them are perceptible. I regret to have to report that owing to the difficulty of obtaining a teacher the school on the reserve has been vacant for the last year. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, RODERICK McDONALD, Indian Agent, District No., Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 31st December 1886 (Ottawa: Dominion of Canada, 1887), 39.
Agent McDonald, after a few years delay, again asks for permission to purchase settler land for the reserve at Pictou Landing. He states that this will both give the Indians more resources but also save the settlers from 'annoyance' as the Indians are encroaching upon settler land to get timber.
The Department of Indian Affairs explains that since Agent did not respond to government's request for more info in 1883, the funds are no longer available. Writer also states that the valuation on the land is too high ($350 for 30 acres), and that McDonald never answered the question whether the Pictou Landing reserves were so destitute of timber to require purchasing additional lands.
Letter (unclear author) explains that the money for the purchase of more land for pictou landing is not available due to the time lapsed since the request. Also states that the land price is too high.
1887- Financial Ledger- Food and Seed Grain Expenditures for Pictou County
1887- Financial Ledger- Food and Seed Grain Expenditures for Pictou County
Financial Records containing amounts for food and seed grain given to Pictou County Mi'kmaq. Also mentions $45.00 for repairs to a building on Indian Island., Indian Island is likely the Pictou Landing Mi'kmaq reserve near Merigomish, as the expenditure was paid to Rev. R. McDonald., Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 31st December 1887 (Ottawa: Dominion of Canada, 1888), 125.
